Friday, June 16, 2006


I came home at about 10:00 tonight, kind of glad to see my roomies. The night before was a disaster. I destroyed atleast $300 worth of equipment and a week's worth of work, possibly more if things get screwed up. This is a life story but today I ain't going to get into it.

I had some left over Korean seaweed. Let me get of saying that the stuff is great. I had it before from another friend that left Japan and another friend heard that I loved the stuff gave it to me as a birtheday present to me... and I still love it. I gave a slice to Kuni and he told me right off... "this would be great with some alcohol"... nuff said, I bought a bottle of alcohol and we took it down tonight and as of this moment I am tipsy as a result of it.

Many things were said tonight and I realize today, that roomies are just like family. Essentially, we are family. It's great to have friends that I can call a family. Sometimes not everything can be said, but sometimes there are times when tough things things the can be said.

It's funny to think that I got a random phone call one day from Kuni asking me if I would be interested in sharing an appartment together with another roomie. The ball was set in motion and I haven't regreted it since. Today Kuni's even offered to correct the little mistakes I make in my normal Japanese speech... the kind of things that normal Japanese people won't do for me because even if I do make mistakes, I am understood; the biggest barrier to becoming fluent in any language.

Kuni has to move out in less than a year, Olympia is still going to be around.. but to be honest, nothing is going to match this house's dynamics. I am going to miss the guy when he is gone, but for the mean time, we are going to have such a kick ass time. I've wanted to see what was life like with roomies since almost graduating out of university, that wish has been granted to me.

1 comment:

Paladiamors said...

Oh there is more to the lab story, I'll have to write a little more about it some other time. You're probably working harder than I since you pull all nighters sometimes. I haven't done any of that since comming to Japan.

Have a great time at the wedding, hopefully the lines you have aren't too long? I did a poem reading once for one of my friend's wedding and memorized maybe 6-7 short stanzas in a day. You can do it, no problem at all :)