Wednesday, March 15, 2006


My hat is off to the boys at The Pirate Bay for their ridicule of the ways that media companies continue to push the little guys around. Seriously though, the little guys definately could use some backbone, and these boys have it.

Wired published an article about these guys in action, most amusing is the legal threats they get from media companies and their responses. Takes some balls to pull it off, apparently there is quite the movement in Sweden that there is actually a political party comming together that supports piracy (see wired article). For all the time it took to finally see this happen, I am comming to the conclusion it is easier to organize a small group of influential people than it is to coordinate a mob of... well less influential people (for the lack of a better term).

I do wonder, how does a small group of media companies have the right to enforce their will upon millions of people? Not that I'm saying it's wrong (I choose not to pick a side for this article), but if this were a battlefield, they'd be crushed a million to one. If this were true, then the death knell would already be sung, the media industry would be dead and the public (most likely) would be at a loss (for me, I probably could care less in most cases). Would the public lament if this were the result? Probably, but let the will of the majority have their way. If they screw up, they'll learn it the hardway and be the better for it. If it doesn't turn out the way we want, then we'd be the better off either way. What is there to lose? Just the rich guys, who don't really care about us.

1 comment:

Paladiamors said...

The Oi-Kon was great, total lack of sleep and I am still recovering from that and a variety of other things.

I don't know how you live on so little sleep!