Monday, March 27, 2006

No real updates yet

Life right now is pretty intense, both in the work and play sense. It's the good life and I'm paying for it through sleep.

Last week:

Thursday-- get called out by a volunteer friend of mine to hit a nice restaurant/bar with them. I met an owner of a large food chain (runs lots of cafeterias), a pharmacist and a wine make

Friday-- Graduation ceremony for graduating students (duh!). Go out with the graduating students to celebrate with them

Saturday -- Lab meeting runs from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm, return to my old room to clean out the last remaining things. Stay up till 5:00 am cleaning. Will need to move out remaining things another day.

Sunday -- "All you can eat cake" at a restaurant. Me, 3 other guys and my friend's g/f hit the cafe. We are the only group with men and get lots of giggly looks from Japanese girls. Note that most of the other guys were big and gruffy foreigners.

After, stumble on news of a St. Paddy's event going on at a part. We hit that. I meet a ton load of Canadians and a very wide multitude of European people. We hit the Irish pub in the evening. I find a table to play poker. I mop up really good in the beginning and lost $10 at the end when I didn't expect to see something happen. Very nice people...

This week (planned):

Monday - purchase some furniture for the room and a light fixture. Have mailing address for Cell phone and foreign registration changed. (still more address changes to make)

Tuesday and Wedensday -- Haul ass on experiments, prepare material for presentation on Saturday.

Friday - Check out of my old room, have it inspected. In the evening, got invited by a musican guy I met on the Sunday to attend his live performance at a bar in the evening.

Saturday - Lab presentation (1 hour long). Need to get results this week and make presentation. Took me atleast 3 days last time to prepare, just the writing part. I also need to run a bunch of expreriments.

Sunday - Tokyo. Meet friend comming back in from Hawaii at Narita airport with a few friends that are hanging out in Tokyo for the day. Using Ida's rail pass (will have to pass as a girl.. somehow since the name is written on it), who came a few weeks ago (thanks Ida!).

End Update Snippets

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