Monday, September 26, 2005

New Stories Begin

The new the new JYPE students are arriving. They're so easy to get along with. Already I've met a bunch of students comprising of a German, 2 Koreans, a Malaysian and a Chinese that just got back from dinner. I saw them in the lobby and said hi to them already. A few Americans dropped by my room already. I passed stuff along from one of the former students to the new one and gave away a map and directions to another.

The dorms here have been dead for the past 2 months. As I walked by formerly empty rooms, all I could do was think "that was so-and-so's room" as I walk past closed doors. But it will become lively again and I look forward to it... I just hope that I can keep my school work, play and rest balanced.

What is going on this end? I've been downloading so much stuff. Just finished watching Final Fantasy VII: Advant Children (I like CG), started watching Firefly (how the hell was this series cancelled!? I really like the story and characters) and got hooked into music from "Secret Garden."

There are lots of things, loose ends and bits that I need to get done. I know that I am horrible at loose ends-- loose ends are too stringy; I like going after big meaty things instead. Never been a good details person. The devils are in the details... the devils are always in the details. Am I making any sense, nope not really... but that's because I'm tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, introduce some to me!! invite them to the dinner!!