Thursday, September 01, 2005

Through the Front Gates

I was talking with the assistant professor today when I dropped by the lab to drop off my study materials and I heard from him, "congratulations, you passed." I had only done my interview yesterday and most of my exams 2 days before. I am exceptionally happy to hear the good news. Now I am ready to go out and have some fun.

Today, however, I will be heading out to a farewell party for the next batch of students soon to be going. These kids in the time span of 10 months for some and 4 months for others have melded together into one of the closest groups I've seen. In 4 months these people probably have done much more than I. I take for granted how long I will be in Japan (going to make up for that this month!). I will miss them and stay in contact!

Random thing I learned:

Kareoke in Australia occurs in pubs, after much drinking and on a stage. Where a solo person or a group stand up and belt out songs to the audience... for their enjoyment or horror (depends on the people singing).

"Dutch courage" is courage solely gained from drinking.

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