Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Alive and busy!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I have been exceptionally busy; working and playing.

With Alex and the new international students in town, events and me now officially as a masters student at Tohoku University, it has become pretty busy on this end that I haven't had the time to make many posts. I have a (growing) backlog of pictures to post... got a dessert event I am hosting this Friday (yes, I do like to prepare in advance for events) a seminar to give this Saturday to some labmates (for which I have to review for) and I need to read papers to see if I can get a thesis project going.... in Japan you start your masters thesis research in your first year as opposed to your second year.

Well that sort of sums up what has been going on here (not really... but more posts perhaps after Sunday?)

Alive and really busy.... (and sleepy... we had a lab meeting that went till almost midnight yesterday. These people are nuts).

Oh yeah, one more thing. Vancouver Rules!

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