Friday, October 14, 2005

If I only had a brain!

There is an experiment going on over here at the university. What they call for are a bunch of native english speakers and do a fRMI brain scan of them while they take a look at *grammatically* correct sentences (hahaha, I can't spell... and some of you already know that my grammar can really suck sometimes... I hope I don't ruin their experiment :). What occurs after is that subjects will buzz in a yes or no depending on the passage.
The best part? I'll be getting a scan of my brain! Boo yah!

This is the response I got from the Secretary:

I've heard a volunteer of fMRI scans can get copies of their brains.

(It was funny you said you want it for a souvenior!)

Let me ask Prof. Yusa about the copy of your brain.

I will tell you as soon as I get the answer from him.

And there you have it. :)

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