Saturday, October 08, 2005

Still Alive...I think

I knew exactly what would happen to me after the new term starts-- that was that the lab would be sucking me into a black hole of a world in time. I just didn't know it could get even darker then that too.

I'm just kind of tired actually. It's a 9 to 10 kind of job sometimes later with lab meetings and we have meetings on the weekend from 9 to 5, and those are *short* days too! I started classes in Japanese, ran a seminar (it was my turn) today, did some shopping to replenish cleaning equipment, soap and get some utensils.. hosted a party in my room the day before. Stuff like that. 10:30 pm now and It's the first time I had some time to myself.

Heck, my parents are even worried about me because I haven't been able to make the time to talk to them all week. It's a Saturday night... I think I'm going to spend it sleeping.

Taiwan pictures are going to have to wait a little... until I have a little more strength in me. 2.5 hours of cleaning today. I had to catch up on some cleaning since classes started up... now, time for some sleep!


doris said...

don´t get burnt out eh? for maybe you´re just a true fizzer right down to the core ;)

cuidate mucho!

Paladiamors said...

Yeah Fizz has trained me well, especially for long days (atleast I am doing interesting things like reading!).

Glad that Sy likes the present. I got his address through his much more reliable sister actially :)