Sunday, March 04, 2007

A well done discussion on atheism and morality

In the USA, atheists are among the least trusted groups of people in America as only 45% of them would vote an Atheist into office (source). In the same survey, 55% of them would not have problems voting a homosexual as president nor would 67% of them have any problems voting in a person on their 3rd marriage. I find it disconcerting to see such a distrust or discrimination of atheists among religious Americans.

Is it often quoted that atheists are not trusted because they have little or no sense of morals because they do not derive their morals from a scripture such as the bible. The argument goes that since atheists no beliefs in a heaven or hell, there is nothing that prevents atheists from acting immorally. I find this view to be quite unfortunate.

Just recently, I have stumbled across a very well thought out video posting on youTube discussing morality as derived from an atheist's perspective. The video goes on to make some interesting points that many of the moral rules derived are similar to those of in several different scriptures. I definitely recommend this 9 minute video by Albert Sweigart for viewing because it very thoughtfully done and non-confrontational, as opposed to many discussions that occur on religion. The video can be viewed by clicking on this link. If you did enjoy this video I fully recommend his other works as they too are very thoughtfully done. This should be the standard on how discussions should definitely be done.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the writeup. A friend pointed me to this article when she was trying to find my videos. I really appreciate all the encouragement I've received from people, and will continue to produce these videos.


Paladiamors said...

All the best Albert. I really enjoyed the videos. Keep it up, I'll be dropping by your blog from time to time!

Lord Metroid said...

If you want a good philosophical discussion of morality you ought to go to