Friday, March 16, 2007

200% more interesting, in English

A friend of mine came back to Sendai from Vancouver just recently. It's an interesting story, but she studied at UBC while I was there but we never met up, but we became friends in Japan instead. She went over to Vancouver just recently to visit to visit friends right after finishing her masters. When I got wind of this, I promptly asked her to grab me a bag of dried mangoes from Costco. I am a sucker for that stuff!

After spending 3 weeks in Vancouver and polishing up her English, she paid me a visit yesterday to catch up, where I got to listen in on stories on a few things going on in Vancouver. Apparently, I heard that Stanley park got sort of a flood recently and a bunch of trees were knocked down during a wind-storm? The details were kind of hazy but all I know that a bunch of trees in Stanley park fell down during some kind of storm. There was supposedly a bit of a mud-slide up the highway on the way to Whistler so I heard.

Anyways, after my friend came back to Japan, we chatted in English for the most part. I do a fairly good job of bantering in English, leading to a few good laughs. My friend promptly told me that "You're much more interesting when you speak English." And yes, that is true.

I am not particularly well versed in Japanese when it comes to making funny quips or side remarks. It ends up that my Japanese is a little on the dry side because I haven't developed a sense of humor in Japanese. I speak quite logically or only about interesting ideas that pop up. But I'm not too good at interjecting humor into a Japanese conversation yet and I still need to work on making small talk in Japanese.

And so, I spent the evening listening to stories of Vancouver and cracking jokes in English. One day, I'll be listening to stories of Japan and cracking jokes in Japanese. But that'll have to wait until I make my return to Vancouver.


flutteringbutterfly85 said...

OMG I love dried mangoes too!! I think one of my first blogs on mixi was about dried mangoes!! lol!!

Paladiamors said...

When you get to Vancouver, hit a costco!

800g bags for about $10. Super cheap, sooo good. I can't stop eating'em!

Anonymous said...

I do Know that your Japanese is super cool.