Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Got Root?

I am now in Utsunomiya on internship and I am currently at the dorm leeching internet from some wireless access point that has no security setup. I managed to guess the IP of the router and after guessing at some passwords and login names, I gave up... then my browser spat out an error at me in Japanese (translated) "The login is root, the password is case sensitive." I try "root" with no password and bang, I'm in to fiddle with the connection settings -- I'm routing all ports to my computer to get some bit torrent action going.

Ha! These people at the company that I'm working for told me that I'd have no internet at the dorm... muah ha ha ha ha. Well time to get a compiler... I'm going to need it for work tomorrow. Turns out that I might be able to automate some equipment and save a few people 2 hours worth of work everytime they use some thermal expansion measuring machine. More details later... too many things going on.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, l33t haxorsz skilz.
Always a pleasure to stop by for an entertaining story or two. Cheers,

Paladiamors said...


Well, it`s not that bad. The dorms are kind of decent. One thing is that I wouldn`t want to live there for a long time. I think it gets boring meeting company people all the time.


Glad that you`re entertained :), how are things going on your end man?