Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Arrgh, Sunburn! Itchy back!

In general, my body is typically very resistant to getting sun burn, in the sense that I don't have to wear sun block most of the time. Apparently on Sunday, it wasn't so and I got a little roasted on my back. Nothing really bad, just slight tingling and mild soreness, other then that it's all good.

Come today, I'd head out for a BBQ by the river with friends... which was great by the way. Went to a place called Akiu (which is well known for good hot springs) and BBQ'd by the river. After wrapping up, we hit the hot spring and I wouldn't be able to sit all the way in the hot spring because the hot acidic water would sting my back. It was allright though, I did my best to enjoy the hot spring and then left.

Came home by about 8 pm and now by about 10 pm, my back is insanely itchy... and if I scratch it, it stings! What horrible torture... it's either itching or the stinging. Ugh


Paladiamors said...

Heh well thanks for the support, I was wearing shorts atleast. Speaking from perosnal experience there?

Most of the stinging has gone away now, feeling much better.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! That should teach you to wear your sunscreen! Though sadly I don't think it will.