Saturday, June 19, 2010

Updated the blogger template

I've updated the blogger template from the old version that I was using. I was somewhat shy of updating since there were a bunch of custom changes I made to the old template to make it more viewer friendly on wider screens. The defaults for the older templates had the blog rather narrow, so I changed the parameters to make things wider. I also have a hit counter installed just for kicks though I don't really care about the volume I get to this site, I wasn't sure that things would still work after the upgrade.

While writing the last post, I thought it would be nice to embed some mathematical equations and I did manage to find an applet that would let me do that my interpreting LaTeX code to do the formatting. Previously, I used to do the writing in the MS Equation Editor in Word. The problem now is that I don't use Word at home so that option was out. I did find something nice here that I installed and it worked decently. I've never used LaTeX before, but it seemed rather easy to figure out and I had it going after a little bit of testing.

I am not much of a front end webpage designer so I do kind of shy away from that kind of stuff, but if I am to dive into the database programming stuff and consider interfacing that to webpages, it is something to look into in the future.

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