Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obviously, I am a guy

Just got an e-mail from a female friend tonight CC'd to a bunch of people about how an old lady scolded her when she was sending e-mail from her cell phone by the priority seats. Generally in Japan, most people ignore that rule and no one really minds, except for the old lady in question.

Apparently after being scolded, she sends out an e-mail to her friend how she was kind of depressed about the whole incident and that it would have been nicer if the older lady was a little kinder with her words, though she was explaining how she was trying to be understanding. The e-mail rattles onwards on how it is hard to deal with situations like these... yadda yadda yadda and finally comes to the conclusion, "what would you do?"

I fired off an e-mail in about 5 minutes with 2 lines compared to her essay "Just say sorry and tell the old lady to be a little nicer when telling someone to do something."

After hitting send, I just realized how much of a guy I was: she probably wanted comfort instead of advice. And I get a lot of trouble from that when other girls when they come to me with their problems-- they aren't looking for a solution.

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