Saturday, December 05, 2009

Friday night, at the office till 2 am

I don't know why I did it. I managed to create a crude model of a resistor and a diode and it looks like I can get plenty of data out of some measurement data. I still can't convey complicated thoughts in written Japanese but after finishing experimental work at 11 pm, I was compelled to stay late at the office to finish writing a presentation for a regular Monday meeting.

I gave up writing in Japanese for the first time. I had detailed ideas that I wanted to communicate, that unfortunately are beyond my skills to convey in written Japanese. I find it awkward that I can't think as deeply in a second language and sadly a lot of information does go over my head. Learning to master a second language and being able to communicate in the subtle nuances is tough stuff. There's more to communication than just the words. It's like a good joke; it's about the delivery.

Language is more than just words.

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