Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Got sent home early from work; did too much over time

Looks like there are even limits to the Japanese when it comes to doing crazy overtime hours. I've been busy building a new generation of prototype samples. The schedule is kind of tight so I've been working some long hours to get things done. In addition, I managed to develop a simple simulation model to start evaluating our devices.

The guys I work with are hard core experimental types and there seem to be a lack of theorists in the group. From the measurement data we've been collecting, I've found that I can back solve for some device properties like resistance and semiconductor constants. We've never been able to get hard numbers before and this is a first for the group. I ended up staying in the office till 2 am on a Friday night summarizing data and writing up a presentation for our Monday meetings because I knew I'd be busy with experimental work.

Apparently I hit an internal 16 hour work day limit. Meaning that it is usually mandatory for people to take the next day off. Unfortunately on my experimental schedule, I don't have the luxury of taking the next day off. Since I have booked machine time and the experiments must go on. Instead, I got sent home early, at 5 pm, because HR called in to say that I shouldn't be doing any over time. The call was at 4 pm and I got into the office by 7 am and I was already on overtime.

I spent the weekend chilling out, doing nothing but after getting home and eating dinner, I konked out and slept for 4 hours. It's 1:30 am now and I'm need to get into the office by 7 am again to start taking data. The problem is that I'm not sleepy. Tomorrow is going to be rough.

Looking forward to a vacation and I'll be taking one later this month. But more on that later.

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