Sunday, February 04, 2007

Some Friends are Hilarious!

Just got back from the cooking lesson today, pictures will be up soon. I was walking home when I ran into a Chinese friend of mine (very good at English) and we started chatting on the way home and I invited her over to see the new place I was living at since we haven't met in a long while.

There were plenty of good quotables but my favorites for the evening were:

N: So you're going to France?
J: Yeah, I arrive on Valentine's day.
N: Are you going with a girlfriend?
J: I haven't one.
N: Oh that sounds kind of pathetic. Like you're in the most romantic city in the world on the most romantic day of the year, but you're going to be alone.
J: Heh, my sentiments exactly.
N: Did you know that French people smell bad?
J: Why is that?
N: My mom just tells me that because they have to make really good perfume or else without it they kind of stink. That's why they make the best perfume in the world!
J: An interesting hypothesis.

N: (looks into my roomie's room). Is that a snowboard? Does he snowboard?
J: Yeah, he's pretty good!
N: People that snowboard are pretty cool. So he must be pretty cool! Does he have a girlfriend?
J: Yeah, he does.
N: Oh, that doesn't matter?
J: What!?
N: Yeah, because I have a boyfriend.

Obviously the nuances are off in the last paragraph, but I thought that was incredibly funny. I like 'N,' just because she's incredibly blunt.

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