Sunday, January 07, 2007

Response to Sasha

It seems that Sacha in his post has layed down the gauntlet for me to publish some obscure facts about myself. There's a lot about me that even I don't know, probably because I have a bad memory but everyone knows about that. So here's my little list of very obscure facts about myself:

1. When I was 4, I had a fascination with boiling water. I decided that I would test the adage that "a watch pot doesn't boil" by doing exactly that, watching a pot full of water boil. I jumped on the counter right beside the stove and stared at the pot. Unfortunately what transpired was that the pot was over filled and toppled over spilling hot water on my right arm. I still have a faint mark on my right arm, but it's considerably lighter than what it used to be.

2. When I was 5, I broke my arm while playing freeze tag in Kindergarten. My shoe lace wasn't tied up right and I tripped over it and landed on my left elbow. All I knew at the time was that it it wasn't moving right and the PE teacher (Mr. Wilson) took me to the staff room where my parent's were notified and I was taken to the hospital to get it put into a cast.

3. I had a terrible sense of direction and couldn't tell left from right. How I did eventually learn it was from looking at the burn mark on my arm. The burn mark was on the right side!

4. My first experience with a computer was when I was 2.5 years old with an Apple e II computer. I recall being taught how to program for the first time by my dad when I was about 3 or 4. The program went something like this:

10 print "Hello world"
20 goto 10

Then all I had to type was "run 10" to execute the program that would print "Hello world" indefinitely on the computer.

5. When I was 7 and in the computer lab of my school, I realized that all the computers at the time were Apple e II computers. When the teacher wasn't looking, I played my first prank-- I used my programming know how to print "Fatal error" on all the computers and turned off all the monitors. The teacher that ran the lab that turned on the computer freaked out. Tee-hee!

6. I did drama school when I was 10 for about a year every Wednesday. Hard to believe no? For the drama school play, I was originally supposed to play a character with lots of lines. I hated memorizing at the time and couldn't do it. I ended up as a donkey's ass.

And well, there you go! Bet'ya didn't know that about me!

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