Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Where'd it go?

Happy new year, 2006 right? Year of the dog... da da da more info about my new years later (and the delayed resolutions post comming up later too).

It's a break, but I'm still finding myself occupied. Gone skiing, cooking and attending seasonal parties. It's a tough life, really. Today is sort of my first break of the slew of things that have been going on.

So anyways, right into my post shall we?

If there is one thing that people remember me for, it's for forgetting. The last month was the most interesting in terms of forgetting. I have so far, misplaced 2 pairs of gloves, my binder of notes, left a pair of ski boots at a resort (which is scheduled to arrive via shipment today) and then dropped my cell phone into about 50 cm of snow from one of my side pokects (well this event was just kind of unfortunate).

Aside: After spending a day to search the snow for my cell phone, I gave up the search and decided to buy a new one. I got an e-mail right after buying the cell phone that it was found... I would return a day later to try and return the new cell phone but alas, the store does not take returns on cell phones. Just my luck eh?

After tallying up all the damages from last month, I've probably ran about $200 worth in misfortune. Well life goes on I guess... but $200 is still nothing to sneeze at. One of these days, I was thinking of writing a little article on the "Time value of money." For those that studied economics, some of you might think of Net Present Values and Future Values, but I talk about the time value of money, I think about neither, but that is a discussion for another time.

So what have I learned? My old cell phone survived a scooter running over it (I can see tire tracks on top of the cell), $7 gloves suck against prolonged exposure to the wind. I spent $25 for more expensive gloves, which are thicker and use a material called theminsulate... those *also* suck against the wind (when I talk about wind, I'm talking about sub-zero wind temperatures blowing against the hands). Having ski boots shipped about 150 km costs $13 bucks.

So in the end, even though I am $200 in the hole, I did learn a whole bunch about gloves, cell phone robustness and shipping costs. I'm not at all against paying a little cash for knowledge... there's an upside to everything.

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