Thursday, May 12, 2005

University Chicks

I've just recently been slated to do a talk on Canada and my experiences to a class of Japanese University studying english after being asked by one of the volunteers. The presentation is slated to happen in 2 weeks. So here I am laying the ground work for the presentation.

One topic I am planning to cover is university life in Canada, how our university system works, what it's like studying in Canada and etc... etc. I decided to draw up the UBC admissions website to give the admissions requirements a quick run through to see if anything has changed since the time I've been admitted into Universtiy. Then I hit the statistics page with some interesting results in terms of gender distributions. The webpage is here.

Some numbers to note:

Faculty of arts (all years)

Males 3,757
Females 6,823

Faculty of Science (all years)

Males 3,291
Females 3,700

Faculty of Education (all years)

Males 724
Females 1,574

Faculty of Agricultural Science (all years)

Males 276
Females 824

First Year Admission (All departments)

Males 3108
Females 4075

Females nearly double males in Arts, there are approximately 5% more females in Science than Males, there are approximately 2x more females in Education and about 3x more females in Agricultural science. Over first year admissions indicate that 56% are females and 44% are females. Male-female ratios in Medicine and Commerce are roughly equal and Engineering is still male dominated.

Personally, I didn't think that there would be that much more females in Arts and the number of females enrolled in agricultural sciences caught me off guard. The rest of the numbers are somewhat in line with the impression of male-female distribution I had at UBC.

Unfortunately, I don't have numbers on me about female enrollment at Japanese universities on hand, though I did get a pamphlet of enrollment statistics of females in Engineering at Tohoku University and the numbers are remarkably lower than the 19% enrollment of females in Engineering at UBC, I'm looking more like at about 7% from a rough estimate. Analysis is forth comming if/when I can find some data :)


Wrazn said...

Dude, it hasn't actually changed that much in the few years since we were there. I've seen those numbers before - after all, I used to volunteer for first year orientation. And it's an overall trend across the country (might be the continent, I'm not sure about worldwide, though) that there are more women than men in post-secondary education (undergraduate), and possibly even graduate. However, faculty still tends to be overwhelmingly male - although that is slowly changing as well. There were big differences from the start of my BA to the end of my BA in the Political Science department, for example.

Paladiamors said...

You are correct on that point, I also forgot to mention that as well. The 2nd,3rd,4th year distributions of males and females have remained constant so as far as I can tell, numbers have not changed for the last 4~5 years atleast.

Personally, I've never looked at those numbers before while studying at UBC so it was quite an interesting read for me :)

Anonymous said...

COMING not "comming"

Paladiamors said...

Thank you gee :)

Anonymous said...

haha, that means guys in post-secondary have no excuses about not meeting any girls!! based on the female-male distribution, guys have their pick!

ps. how did the presentation go?


Paladiamors said...

Well big picture wise 45% guys 55% girls at UBC so it's almost equal actually.

Presentation is slated for this friday. Got an outline down so just need to make slides. Looking forward to it. I'll tell you guys how it goes after.