Sunday, May 29, 2005

Drunk from an engagement party

Holy cow, I've never gone bar hopping before but yeah I am drunk after hitting 2 bars (if you can call that bar hopping) and trying to type this out. A secretary is getting married to a recently graduated phd. Another one is going out with a current post doc. A new batch of secretaries came to the office since before I arrived at the lab and I have been bestowed the honor of introducing one of the single secretaries to a lucky Canadian should the occasion arise.

Aside from that, one of the Professors is in a long distance relationship with his g/f and after a few beers the girls ascertained that he calles her everyday after work. Lots of cooing incured. The fiance of the secretary couldn't make it out to the party tonight but sent an e-mail to the cell phone of one of the students which was read outloud... causing one of the girls at the party to cry.

I the people at my lab are totally tight, it's pretty damn cool. As for me, 5 hours later after eating and drinking... my head is swimming. Lights out!



Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if i totally understood what you just typed. but i'm sure it'll be clearer once i read it again...

glad you're getting into the "culture".

doris said...

you need to do more bar-hopping :D

Paladiamors said...

Totally, hilarity ensues after too many beers go down. The cool thing was that we were in a Japanese style room. So quite literally there were people rolling on the floor laughing :P professors are hilarious when they're drunk (and one of the students took a video of the proffs going nuts :P).