Monday, April 25, 2005

Still alive and kicking

I am alive and kicking.. just that my internet connection is not. It crapped out a few days ago after using it for all of 2 days. 6 other people in my dorm are having the same problem and the tech people from the cable company have been hard at it... but to no avail. I was really looking forward to doing reserach and stuying Japanese online (really!).

Today, I begin my quest for a cell phone in Japan. At first I thought that I could get away with life without a cell phone... but that would be so `UnJapanese` wouldn`t it? (argh I can`t find the correct apostrophie on these Japanese keyboards... posting from a Library computer!).

Cell service here from what I have heard cost on the order of 6000~7000 yen, about 70 to 80 bucks a month. Rather pricey compared to Canada. Golden week is comming up next week, meaning that I am going to have the week off to do some travelling.

I`ll post some pictures when my internet connection goes back up :)


justrose said...

ah, the perils of a flighty internet connection. good luck getting back online, catch you soon.

Anonymous said...

Justin, Justin, Justin...How many times do i have to correct your spelling?? The word "COMING" does not have 2 Ms. This must be the 10th time i've corrected you on this same word... =) Therefore, you MUST know who i am..if not, :P

Daphne said...

Hey, what's your addy these days? You know, the real one -- the one with the street number and city and such. =)