Thursday, August 26, 2010

I was there before cloud storage

It's been around for a while, but I've started using cloud storage to get access and sync data between several computers: my desktop and my netbook. The service I use is called dropbox and I use it's free 2 GB account to share files between work, home and on the go.

It should be obvious, like having a web based e-mail account that it is nice to have access to your data where ever you are. I used to do this a long time ago while I was a university student, I ran an FTP server so I could upload/download my assignments from home or store work I did at school instead of having to carry a USB memory stick around all the time. I was doing this nearly 7 years ago... and now, having software that lets people store and share data online seems to be fairly decent business.

Being ahead of the curve is one thing, realizing that you're ahead of it and everyone else might have a use for what you do is another. I would never have thought, 7 years ago that people would be interested in having their data accessible from anywhere, because at the time, laptops weren't so hot.

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