Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The Entrepreneur

I don't know if it is a good thing, but it seems like that I've been tagged as the entrepreneur at work due to skills in programming and data mining stuff I've been able to do. Basically I am stuck in a group of experimental researchers and I've got the power to write my own programs to analyze vast amounts of data and run simulations that can help predict the outcomes of their experiments.

It took me 2 days to write a simple program to analyze how light would interact with interfaces using snell's law to predict that they'd have problems as a result of their design-- it took them 2 months to build the device to realize that it has problems and are trying like hell to fix it. They've probably used more than $100k in capital in R&D costs to get these results too. I've been doing a lot of these things on the side so the co-workers to get kind of surprised when I throw out these programs from out of nowhere at them. The result of this has given me a bit of an entrepreneurial reputation-- as in if I see something interesting, I'll go off and make something happen. I've started talking business from time to time, by adding new features to equipment that we already have and compared it to other systems that we would have paid a fair bunch of cash if we were to buy equipment that had the stuff loaded in already. People are starting to catch on about me writing valuable software and are kind of poking at me in the sense that I'd probably be able to pull off a software venture.

In a sense, that is a part of the game plan that I want to be positioning myself in the future as I want to leverage my skills to create a money making machine. I just need some spare time to continue building and completing some side projects, then move them online and make them semi-public. If something catches on, commercialize it by selling a subscription or a license or something.

There are a few ideas bouncing around in my head at the moment and not a whole lot of people over that I've found with the same kind of spirit here. Actually, I should start looking into entrepreneurial gatherings in Japan to see what kind of people in that world exists. The project that I am working on just got delayed for about a year and I don't want to be waiting forever until when this thing ships.

I want results, now!

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