Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Preliminary Data

I have started logging data on fuel consumption of my scooter. I missed out on the first few tank ups but this time I manage to remember the numbers.

During the last 4 days, I travelled 81.7 km and consumed 3.18L of fuel. Calculations work out to a 25.7 km/L of gas consumed. Comparing this data against a 2004 Honda Accord at the following webpage here, their data indicates a 24 mpg or approximately 10km/l fuel efficiency. What I am seeing from my last tank up is that a scooter has 2.5 times more fuel efficiency than a new regular car (that and my scooter was bought used). This means for a cheap vehicle you are paying 2.5 times less for fuel.

I will be collecting more data over my next tank ups to see if I get consistent results, but from the looks of this result and the way gas prices are going, it may be very attractive to switch over to an inexpensive scooter as a mode of transport (fine, even if scooters look kind of dopey in fast car traffic, but when you're in a jam, you've got the agility to scooter along the side and slide through it).


Wrazn said...

How is it for hills? (I'm assuming there are hills where you are...) I'm curious, because I was thinking about the feasability of getting a scooter.

Paladiamors said...

The scooter works on hills and does a decently good job on steep hills. I bought the scooter *because* my lab at the top of a big hill :)


Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT!! I knew you were going to post your fuel consumption!! it was only a matter of time.

Anyhoo, just to update you in what's going on here - bbq/blueberry picking at Nancy's place this coming Saturday. The fireworks are at it again at English Bay. And when Sy comes back, we'll be heading off to Nelson Is. again for the Labour Day weekend. I think that's it for the semi-major events. But i'm sure M has kept you up to date =)

Anonymous said...

So gee... I have to hear about all the happenings via Justin's blog?!?! where are my updates!?!? =D

Paladiamors said...

LOL dude you gotta post more often :)