Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fitness score = 79 (whatever that means)

I went to the gym yesterday and they have this machine called the "In body" machine. The technique uses something called "bio-impedance" measurements or electrical pulses to measure muscle mass, muscle distribution... etc etc. So I stepped on to the machine and decided to get analyzed.

Results were interesting. I weigh 64.8 kg; 11kg is fat, 37.3 kg is fluid, 13.6 is protein and the rest (2.92kg) is estimated to be minerals. The percent body fat caculation is provided on the sheet and it indicates that I'm 17% fat. Nice to know. Ideal male fat distribution ranges between 15%~19% so I'm told from a quick search on the net.

My arm muscles currently weigh approximately 2kg each, my leg muscles are approximately 6.5 kg a piece. Abs, back and etc weigh approximately 16.7 kg. According to the machine, my ideal weight is 67.6 kg. Where I need to gain 3.6kg of muscle and lose 0.8kg of fat.

And there you have it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow..justin..i really don't know what to say...Actually, can you rewrite you blog entry using pounds instead of kilograms. I'd do the conversion, but i think it's easier for you to just type it out again..LOL j/k
Nice to see your healthy.