Monday, March 22, 2010


"An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." - Newton's first law of motion

As with moving bodies, newton's first law also seems to apply to life in motion; to those that are active, to those in inaction, or to those that need a change in vector.

One thing that I miss is being around creative technologists- people that like to do interesting things with technology. For the work environment I exist in, I just haven't been seeing the level of creativity that I want to see. Maybe it's the maturity level of the project that I've been working on but still, I haven't been able to take part to produce something with some level of personal creative satisfaction.

Some of the most fun projects I've worked on were simple things on my off hours with friends or on my own. More of like a dabbler but I would like to dedicate more time to learning how to do certain things with a professional flare maybe sometimes in the future. But usually, most of the best ideas I've seen have come out from people working in their garage to scratch some kind of itch, whether be it necessary, a nice to have or just a product if interest.

Many of the biggest technological hits, paradigm shifts or "the next big thing" have come from people working in their basement not knowing how things may turn out.

I laugh at news anchors trying to figure out the random video chat site at chatroulette. It is a big hit among young people. The only thing that the "older crowd" has to say is that there are lots of strange people out there and that it could be dangerous. The thing is for the older generation is that whatever they don't understand is usually labled as dangerous by them.

Large corporations and society faces the same problem, in that it is run by old people with old ideas. I'll give credit where it is due: in that they know how things worked and how to keep the status quo. These people are set in their ways and are moving in a certain direction.

The nice thing about being young is that we don't have any preconceptions about how things should be. We just don't know and when it comes to doing something, we generally end up trying to reinvent the wheel and sometimes we walk away with a completely new kind of wheel during the process. I think that is the power of youth that should be cherished instead of beaten out by our "societal system."

I found a musical duo that I really enjoy just because of it's "made at home" yet professional feel. And old piano and anything they have on them to turn into musical instruments. If you have time, check them out and their other songs. I love this kind of youth. More power to them.

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