Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Being paid by the hour = work stays at work

I am paid pretty much by the hour, some fixed rate during the day and hourly for overtime. The one thing I realized is that I've developed a "if I'm not going to be paid for it, then I am not going to do it" type attitude. Meaning that I don't generally take work home to do during my off hours.

It's an interesting contrast compared to my university days when there was no such divide; the objective was to get the best possible grades in class and thus I did what I had to get good grades. It would be like the difference between getting grades for "going to class" versus "doing well on a test." The difference being similar to a salary vs performance based pay.

My time is as such, allocated in such a manner. If I have work to do, I'll be sure to try and to it at work, even though it might be nice to work from the comfort of home from time to time. When I am home and want to study something like the stock market and figure out how to profit on it, then I'd gladly spend my evenings doing research.

I guess, it's about following the incentive, but in this case, it seems to be that the room for personal development is more obvious compared to working a salary based job.

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