Thursday, July 09, 2009

It's about making time

Out of work, rest and time, choose 2.

This is now my second year of working. The project that I am working on is pretty busy. I am now pulling 80 hours of over time/month. Meaning that I do on average, 4 hours of over time everyday.

Fear not, I am being compensated for it.

With the regular work day, being 9 to 5:30, I am at work until about 10:00 pm ish everyday. Well, not really but it is something like that. One of the nice things is that I live rather close to the office, so I don't have much of a commute, in effect. I am converting the time I would have spent traveling into money, which is a good thing. The problem with coming home so late is that I don't have a whole lot of time do anything else. Or is it really the case?

On a good day, I wil lget home by about 7 or 8 pm. After having some dinner and relaxing for a littl,e, it'll be about 9 pm. Usually I just end up vegging out on the internet until a bout 1 am before heading off to sleep. Thinking about it, I usually have 2~3 hours for "spare time" before going to bed.

The tricky part is getting into a productive mood after coming home from work-- it just feels kind of strange trying to do something after 9 pm. But I am going to have to kick the vegging out habit.

The one thing I've started to realize, is that my age is starting to creep up on me. I just turned 28 last month and got another 2 years before I turn 30. It's crazy, but yeah. Life is short and how much longer can I consdier myself young?

The one thing I just realized is that I want to be young and be successful at something. Saying that I'm always busy is just an excuse... and the other thing is that you're only young once.

It's now or never... and shit, I'm going to have to make time for it.

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