Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Place Called Home

If there was a place in Japan where I could call home, that place would be Sendai. I left early on a Saturday morning, taking the bullet train out of the city traveling 300 km north to Sendai. Every time I get off the train at Sendai station, it feels like I've come back home.

Everything look familiar, every time I step out of the station. The stores, the bustling car and people walking through the city. I have many fond memories of this place. Manly because of all the people I know... or perhaps knew when they lived here.

Perhaps I wonder if it's nostalgia. Sort of like visiting your old high school or university years after graduating. It's like the place hasn't changed but the people are all different. The place feels familiar but yet somehow detached, it's like I am not a part of this city anymore.

Most of my friends in Sendai were students at the university, both the Japanese students and the foreign exchange students. Most of which have graduated and moved on since the era I was here. Still, some of my friends remain but my connection to people of this city feel diminished.

I do wonder, what is it about a place that you could call a "home" so special. I know for sure that I wouldn't call the place I live right now in Tokyo, home. It's just sort of a place to me. But Sendai is different. Is it the people? Is it the place? Is it what happens? I still can't put my finger on the specific reason behind it. But I believe that it is the combination of all 3 of these. Without the right people in the right place, I don't believe that I would have fond memories of this city. There are still people here that I know, perhaps like embers of the community that I used to be a part of.

I know for sure that a new group of international students move into this city every year as part of either their university program or through the Japanese run scholarship program. Most of them will live here for a year, some others will stay for a few years longer.

History will repeat itself. Students from around the world coming together to live at the international dorms. International culture exchange between each other, experiencing life in Japan, making friends, Christmas parties and exploration. New experiences almost everyday. The first time is always special and unfortunately, first time experiences only come once. If I did come back here, I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to join and experience life with these students in the same capacity as I did before. I know for sure that I would be taking part as a different role, probably as a facilitator. I guess that the saying is true and people do have to move on. It just isn't the same experiencing the same things over again.

It is great to experience something wonderful, but I also realize that is it important to know how to gracefully move on. No matter how wonderful, you can't allow yourself to be stuck in the past.

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