Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A follow up to the IQ Test

As a follow up top my previous post on IQ testing, I have decided to answer as many questions as possible incorrectly to see if these tests inflates IQ scores. I have taken and found the test at IQPE inflates the posted IQ score which yielded a score of 98 after answering all of their questions incorrectly which indicates to me that their test is complete garbage. The test posted at yielded a score below 79 after answering all of their questions incorrectly. Suffice to say, one should be weary of the IQ tests provided online and a legitimate offline test administered by a respectable organization should be done instead.

Mensa has a few sample questions of their tests posted online for people to try. I have found their questions to be significantly harder and different compared to the online tests I have tried thus far. I have no interest in attempting to join the Mensa organization as I am quite happy with the company of people I keep, whom are incredibly fascinating, though might not be meet the qualifications of Mensa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the mensa test used is actually similar to actually its the same i would think. you should not care about the score which is given. the only credible way to measure iq is to find out which percentile of the population you are in. or to specify whats the score given for each standard dev you are away from the norm. is pretty accurate. accounting for the objective question and the score assigned for each sd is 25, a random answer yielding 79 actually indicates that it is a good test. i think