Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Game of International Friendship (sarcasm)

Today was a long day. I was out with friends till late, woke up early for my weekly Saturday meetings, taught English after the meeting and off to a Tempura Garden party with a vounteer friend of mine. The group for the evening was a bunch of international students from Iran, Netherlands (I think), Austrailia, Mexico and me (from Canada).

So with an international bunch of people what game did we deem appropriate to play? But of course! The game of world domination-- RISK! What else? I thought that was mildy amusing. Don't you?

1 comment:

Paladiamors said...

The Australian guy was the reason why everyone lost. We were playing with mission cards (as opposed to straight global domination).

Everyone was down to their final mission cards and the Netherlands guy's last mission was to get 18 reinforcements in a turn. He had Europe (+5) with is basic 3... and we were playing on a varaiation of the card set rule (one of each = +10, 3 cannon +8...) the guy had 4 cards left in his hand before his turn.

The Austrailian had 20 units distributed over 3 countries beside the Ukrane and didn't attack against the Ukrane's 15. Lo and behold, the Netherlands guy took the game when it came to his turn.

Ah well. It's just a game.