Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Been Busy

Been really busy the last month and a bit to do any real writing, but a lot has been going on and I haven't had much of a chance to do much writing as of late. I've been flying between Tokyo and Kagoshima nearly weekly to help out with setting up an inspection machine and writing code to speed up the processes. Also, getting paid travel expenses and a small stipend is marginally nice.

On another note, I got a better than usual work review...after all was said and done, however, the better review led to only about a $600 increase in my winter bonus. The software I wrote cut down processing time by about 5 days and gave us more time to analyze data to improve the success rate of the process. If ouput and pay were plotted, the graph would be very sub-linear for the place where I work.

More notes to follow at a later time.

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