Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Running 4 km (almost) every weekday

As a result of the commute, I've been working on getting the most out of my time. Getting home by about 8~9 pm everyday means that I don't have a lot of time to do much else. Considering that I am now making time to study for my CFA exam in December and trying to exercise everyday, that doesn't leave me with much time to do anything else after getting home.

I've noticed that I've put on a little weight, about 3 kg compared to last year. I attribute that to getting a big bag of almond chocolates from Costco and having a kitchen where I am cooking much meatier dinners as of recent. So I am needing some cardiovascular exercises to act against the recent bad diet (which I will get back into making more healthy).

I have a transfer stop on the way home where I need to change trains which I need to ride for a single stop before getting home. I've decided to take this opportunity to skip taking the transfer and jogging the rest of the distance home. I've been cycling on and off since the last year, usually doing long treks on the weekend (about 30 km) and I was quite pleasantly surprised to find that exercise on the bike transferred quite nicely to running as running 4 km. Progressing through the first weekhop of running nearly everyday, I have found that my stamina has increased and that I can push up my speed significantly. There are also daily variations on my ability to run, however I am feeling an improving trend. I should start timing my runs to see how I progress.

By the time I get home after a quick hop into the shower, I've got time to pump some iron using the weight training machine I have in my room. I also have some free weights in my room that I use from time to time and I've noticed that using free weights are great for full body workouts instead of working on isolated muscles. I still am working on trying to figure out the perfect routine to really push my muscles. It looks like I'll either have to hit a gym sometimes and talk to a trainer or consult some books.

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