Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So many thing to learn, so little time

One good thing about moving out from where I live now is that I value time much more compared to what I used to previously. Meaning that despite having less time, I am aiming to do more with it.

The current things I have on the chopping block are the following:

  1. Take and pass the level 1 CFA exam in the winter
  2. Work out 5 out of 7 days during the week for at least 30 mins
  3. Pick up emacs (for text editing and programming)
  4. Learn Ruby on Rails to understand how to develop web applications
  5. Dedicate atleast 30 mins/day to learning Japanese for the JLPT exam in the winter

Time is incredibly scarce right now and I am pretty much at the point of even using small smidgens of time at work to help myself accomplish these goals. Just glad that I can make time to do things at work instead of doing some manual labour job.

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