Monday, February 23, 2009

Outsourcing done the wrong way

I mentioned earlier that my project group is having a $100,000 machine custom built and delivered for our research work. My research team has decided to put me as the guy that deals with the details of getting the machine working. The hardware setup had been finally completed the machine has been moved into our labs.

The stupid thing is that the people that built the machine haven't been on time with the software, not a single line of code written and the thing is even written labview for crying out loud. And some how, having the control software is costing us $20~$30k to write and they plan to do it in a week. I could do that kind of work in a heartbeat and I've done it before too on a different machine.

So here's the deal, one day at work, my supervisor was off on a business trip for several days and to kill time, I decided to write software to automate one of the experiments we do. Basically, what people used to do was take data every hour for some experiment. The experiment would generally run for as long as someone was at work. What I did is automate the process, I managed to figure out the code and write the entire software in 3 days and now we run data logging experiments for 72 hours instead of just 8 like we used to do.

The guys we've contracted to do the same job are sending in 2 guys and need a week to do it. Seriously, I can do what they do in half the time and half the man power.

I shake my head at this whole thing. The point of outsourcing is to *save* money! Well there you have it... if you want to get rich, be a contractor! Working for big corporations is like taking candy from a baby.

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