Friday, October 24, 2008

Will probably get slaughtered in the market

I am very amazed with the prices dropping as they are right now. To the point that they don't make sense. I originally thought I had found a bottom in the market a while back, but it seems that I was wrong as the markets are starting to panic about the 3rd quarter results, thus pushing the stock market lower.

30 minutes till the markets open today. Asia is down 10% as of today and it looks like things are going to be particularly nasty today. The stocks I hold right now are probably going to open 20% down and me being leveraged, I am going to get hit pretty badly, with numbers as they are right now, I am likely going to lose about 1/2 of what I have in the market today.

This is truly a humbling experience as I am going to have my ass handed to me. Well, I guess this is a lesson better learned now than later.

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