Monday, February 18, 2008

The ACER laptop dies again!

Unlike a cat, my ACER laptop does not have 9 lives. With the basic warranty just expiring last month, the computer decides to crap out again. This time, I press the power button, the computer powers up but the monitor does not power up. After waiting a day and powering up the computer again, it was obvious to me that there was a hardware problem as the clock on the BIOS had froze and was 7 hours behind compared to the current time.

I decided to give the computer another go to hope that this problem would not occur, but alas, it did and this time after a day of waiting the computer did not boot up again. In the span of about 2.5 years and over 2 different ACER computers, I have had 3 hardware failures. Long story short, these computers are about $100 cheaper than the other brands, but it certainly is not worth purchasing ACER computers because having a computer puts you out for several weeks while the computer is repaired and in the worst case scenario, you have to fork out some extra cash for a new working system.

Based on my experiences with ACER computers, I am never going to buy another one again. I have paid too high a price working on their computers.

Currently I am working off the EEE PC which I was very fortunate to pick up during my travels. I am going to see how long this computer lasts me, lasts longer than my ACER PCs, then ASUS definitely puts ACER to shame.

Of an interesting note, thanks to having Linux installed on the EEE PC, I get to play around with Python while waiting for my usual computer to get repaired. Hopefully, I will be able to write out some interesting software in the mean time.


Lord Metroid said...

On a side not, you said you felt good to be free as you where when you traveled in a past blog input.

If you haven't already, I would recommend to read the book How I Found Freedom in an Unfree world by Harry Browne. I am reading it now and finds it very enlightening and hope giving advice for living life as you find fit. Get it however you want, I found a copy through google.

Paladiamors said...

Thanks for the heads up!

How goes the scholarship applications by the way?

Lord Metroid said...

I have decided to go another path at this moment. No more academic studies for me after I am finished with the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I expect to be finished with the Bachelor's next semester.

Gotta get me some money or get a business going on my own and then move to Japan.