Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Keep up with the right new things

When it comes to getting older, we build up a lot of habits. Not all of these habits are bad things, but it's just how we get used to getting particular things done-- why do something new when the usual method works? And thus, is the recipe for a long and gradual transformation from tech savvy wiz kid to grand-pa trying to figure out how the internet works.

I've been living in a bit of a bubble for the past few years as I've been doing my best to keep my expenses low and spend my time out on the weekends enjoying the outdoors.

I've started looking back into the venture business and technological world to see what's been going on, and I am starting to see a lot of what I have been predicting in the past starting to take shape: advanced information filtering and automation of tedious tasks (mainly in the e-commerce sector). The companies that are starting up are doing a good job of making good user interfaces and bringing down the barrier to making e-commerce sites to allow people to sell goods online. The business models for these online companies providing these design and hosting tools are also making good money utilizing server farms as their infrastructure bases.

Brilliant moves, I should have seen this coming earlier. There is good money to be made with "software as a service" and online content distribution. You won't see big IPOs for these start ups just yet-- they don't need that much money to get off the ground. If you want in on this market, you're going to have to do it on your own or the right group of friends.

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