Monday, November 29, 2010

JLPT Level 1

The JLPT is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, basically a bench mark for the language ability of foreign people to comprehend the Japanese language. I don't have any qualifications as I have just picked up everything I needed along the way, but I have since come to the realization that it may come in handy for future employment opportunities. I am debating on picking up a few other qualifications on my own depending on the availability of my time.

I have decided to prepare myself for a move for a new career to better leverage my skills and improve income compared to the work I am doing now; even if it involves me picking up some new skills. The job market in Japan is interesting for people with international skills and I intend on breaking into that market career wise. There are probably other interesting opportunities in other Asian countries like Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong for international talent. One of those requirements to break into this field is a necessity for good multi-lingual skills in addition to either business or technical skills.

The need for international recognition as a baseline for certain skills may play an important role here. I will be looking into at least getting my JLPT level 1 certificate within the next year. I've lived here for 5 years now and I should at least get that certification.

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