100!). This is clearly unacceptable and I have started looking into getting a data plan for my cell phone.On an interesting note, data packets for cell phones are a major ripoff. My carrier, charges 0.2 yen / 128 bytes (1 packet), this pretty much equates to 1638.4 yen for 1 MB (1024^2 for 1 MB), or about $20 for 1 MB on the go. This is astronomically expensive!
Considering that a 400x320 jpeg is about 100 kb, I am paying about $2 for an image being sent to me. Compare that to a $1 song on iTunes. Wireless carriers are making pretty big margins on their data rates. I do have to wonder how much regulation is keeping new people with fresh ideas out from bringing these costs down.
I have considered adding an unlimited data plan to my cell phone, though it would be a nice feature, I would be missing out on the full richness of having the internet available to me on my mobile device because of its limited user interface. While being back home, I had the opportunity to use the iPhone for an entire week, just using the instant messaging and accessing e-mail here and there has me very enthusiastic about the device and I am seriously considering making the switch.
The new 32 GB iPhone 4 would cost me about $700 and a 16 GB version would run me about $600, I've been looking at the one Japanese iPhone carrier softbank and noted that with a data plan alone, I would be spending about 3785 yen/month for an unlimited data plan and I would be billed per 30 sec for phone calls unless I added a voice plan to make calling "cheaper" --> obviously, the name of the game for softbank is to push the iPhone and it's internet abilities and then quietly sneak in a voice plan.
Now that I understand the name of the game here, if I were to use an iPhone, my goal would be simple-- find a way around using the ordinary voice plan for making calls, because it is really expensive. Without a plan, they charge 41 yen/minute and if you pay an additional 980 yen/month the voice charge is 21 yen/min (using something called a "white plan"). The question is, "can I do better?" and the answer is, (unsurprisingly) yes.
Enter Skype
The ironic thing is that I was looking to get an iPhone to lower my data transfer costs but in actuality I can reduce my voice calling costs significantly by purchasing a skype number for Japan. Buying a skype number with a monthly subscription is 200 yen/month and I am looking at a 400 min subscription for about 500 yen/month. The savings are very significant after the number crunching as shown in the table below.

I don't know about you, but barring quality of service problems, this looks like a winning plan to me.
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