I really enjoy going to these events because I can learn a whole lot of things that I would never encounter in my normal daily life and it is always interesting to me to go out an experience new things. Who knows what you might learn!
And it always makes for interesting stories, like just yesterday, I had my portrait done by a street artist. The first time I ever had something like that done. While watching the street artist draw other people, I had a chance to meet a really nice lady who was very friendly and we ended up chatting for a little while. I even snapped some nice pictures of her getting her portrait done which I will be sending to her by e-mail.
I also managed to meet a couple, where the guy was from Vancouver hanging out in Sendai after his wedding that day, his wife is from Sendai and they were out visiting her family. I talked to the guy and he told me that he lived in Burnaby and worked in Richmond... at MDA, the company where I had an interview with right before coming to Japan. Had I not gotten the scholarship to come out to Japan, I would have likely been working there after I finished my contract job at some other company where I was doing really boring work. The world is really a small place sometimes. I have more stories to tell about how small this world is, but perhaps another time.
But for now, click on the photo to check out the album and enjoy the pictures.
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