Woke up at 7:00 am dispite being jet lagged about 10 minutes ahead of Lily, to hear her alarm go off twice before she got out of bed :) It was rather amusing. We caught breakfast and after some milling about at her place, we were on our way on the subway system.
I made it to the Eaton's Center at about 9:00 am, the time I had the rental car reserved. The rental car place was supposedly on the roof of the building... a place that took me nearly 40 minutes to find after wandering the entire mall. All was good, after I found the roof top parkade and then after that, I would be off in a Hyundai car that handled pretty nicely, I thought.
After getting out of the parkade and getting lost and caught in downtown Toronto traffic for quite some time (missing plenty of turns and going the wrong ways countless times) I would finally make it to the 404 highway to head towards Drew's place (the 401 would have been significantly better, but I didn't know any better at the time).
The one nice thing about driving in Toronto is their large highways that go kind of everywhere at really high speeds. I was ripping through the highways at 140km/h without breaking a sweat! Sweet! After driving for about an hour, I made it to Drew's place. At that point, it struck me-- getting around this world is pretty amazing. Just over a few days, I would fly across the pacific and Canada to land in Toronto and then make my way about 100 km out of Toronto to a lot precisely somewhere in Mississauga where I've never been to. Global maps and addresses are quite something.
After picking Drew up we were off to a mall to hang out and grab some lunch!

Left: Drew, Right: Greek Lunch
After milling about the Mall for a little bit, we were off on the roads again for Niagra, about 120 km further away. Driving a car at 120~140km/h vs riding my scooter going at about 60km/h is a world of difference in travel. Just getting to Niagra falls from Toronto on scooter would be a day trip unto itself! Well, I gotta live with what I got in Japan.
We made a little pitstop in St. Catherines for me to pick up some presents for a few friends of mine in Japan. My roomie and one other person in Japan both did their homestay in St. Catherines and I think they'd have quite the kick getting something from the town they stayed in. After that pitstop, we were off to Niagra falls!

Left: Falls from the Top, Right: Falls from the front
I had the opportunity to ride the "Maid of the Mist" boat, a tour boat that roams near the bottom of the falls with a speaker blaring a recorded message with tidbits about the falls. Apparently, long ago, a 7 year old boy had once fallen off a boat, down the falls and managed to survive. I would hate to imagine being swept under all that falling water.
The falls themselves are very impressive-- it is something that you just have to be there to experience. The amount of mist gushing up from the falls is quite impressive and would look all the more impressive had it not been a cloudy that day. Never the less, the poncho I was wearing that day was quite soaked by the end of that boat ride.

Maid of the Mist snow globe
Sept 29th: Downtown Toronto
I got back the previous day at about 12:30 am to Ida's place... a little later than anticipated-- I got a little lost finding my way back to downtown Toronto after dropping Drew off. I crashed and wouldn't wake up till 10:00 am to find Ida's place empty (Ida had left at 6 am, dispite her noting that she was dropping utensils all over the place that morning... which I slept through). I gave Drew a ring that morning and we agreed to meet in the afternoon to hang out and do a photoshoot of downtown.

We had quite the time running around downtown playing with our cameras. We did plenty that day. While walking around downtown we caught a Jamacian guy playing speed chess on the street. There were 2 challanges going that day. The Jamacian guy posted a note on the sidewalk saying that he was Jamacian's best speed chess player and said that he'd have a friendly game of speed chess where he'd handily beat anyone that played him. The second is that he was going to earn his plane ticket back to Jamaca from the donations of his spectators.

I even tried a game against this reknowned player and had my rear end handed to me in about 2 minutes of playing. Amazing. Of an interesting note, while watching this Jamacian guy go at it, Drew was approached by a amateur-professional photographer who opened up the conversation with "want to try this lens"? The lens Drew got to play with costs on the order of $1000! Nice. He also got lots of tips and pointers from the photographer. Unfortunately, this all started while I was elsewhere in the crowd taking pictures.
Infront of the Eaton's Center there was a street artist going at it on the sidewalk making a very nice picture from some sort of printed image had had on hand. A large crowd gathered around the man while they watched as his art took shape while using chalk! The control the guy had with chalk was simply amazing. I could not have imaged such a vivid image made from chalk.

The evening came and thanks to Lily and her handy work, she had organized a dinner of friends in town to meet up with me. Drew and I headed off to Alice Fazooli's for dinner where I was greeted by Ida, Steve, Lily, Rich, Felix, Ben, Felix's g/f, Drew and Jess. It was quite the gathering and we had a good time chatting it up around the dinner table.

As an added bonus, the restaurant had tape going in the background to learn italian in the washroom. What a strange concept.
After dinner, a small bunch of us retreated to a near-by bar for some billards and drinks before winding down for the evening.

There are more pictures, of course and they are posted here. Enjoy the pictures!
Upnext, my trip to Calgary.
you've kept great detail of your trip so far.. I just hope you remember most of your Calgary trip.. hahaha.. :)
I think you got the group slightly wrong for the Friday night dinner. That was Felix's GF, not Ben's. :)
Thanks, I've fixed that snafu up!
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