As usual, a lot has been going on. I've been in a fasion show, hit the onsen and saw the beautiful autunm leaves in Sendai. That was nearly 3 weeks ago. Today was a party in my room with Mike, EE Wen, Eun Young, Diego, Misha, Nannan, Li and more. Last week was the fashion show and badminton. The week before was volunteering for an English Speech contest.
Just to let you see what has recently gone on here's a picture from Nov 3, after making a trek to Yamadera with friends. Props to Kelvin and his wonderful camera... (I really want a nice camera now :)

EE Wen, Momo and me in the mountains.
Cheers all!
very nice pic! are you actually that much taller the other two girls? or are you standing on something?
definitely experiencing similar height differentials here!!
I think that just the girls in Japan are a little shorter. The guys over here are comparable to the hights of the guys back home. The camera and the way the 2 were standing just kind of made them a little shorter.
How's the weather over there?
HOT during the day
really COLD at night and in the morning
it's really not THAT cold, but it feels really really cold because it's so warm during the day. makes it easy to get sick!
Haha, you are losing it. Yes that is the scarf that you bought me last year for x-mas I believe. I brought it with me to Japan (and it has been quite handy... especially when it comes to keeping the wind from getting into my jacket through the neck.
And yes, there is a reason why I ended up with a t-shirt and a scarf while climbing a mountain-- I was wearing a sweater before but it was too hot during the climb so took it off.
Hey Doris,
I learned something interesting in Japan. Apparentlly if you take a hot bath and then you jump into a cold bath (or just cold water even) your resistance to temperature changes improves (Radrex, wanna verify this one for me?). An added bonus from what I've heard is that you even get smoother skin (but It's all about the smoooth skin, really!... anyways...).
But yeah, it's kind of interesting. After popping into cold water from hot, it'll give the body a shock... but you don't feel further switches between hot/cold water. Pretty funky stuff (the body just feels kind of tingly afterwards).
Maybe you can try modulating hot and cold water in the shower over there :P
Modulating water in the shower... I think I do that already. They have electric showers here. When there isn't enough water running through the shower head, the water gets too hot so I have to turn off the electrcity for it. Then when the water gets cold, I turn it back on.
That is of course, if there IS any water.
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