I was out yesterday biking around town and dropped by the Library to pick up an event pamphlet to find out that there is going to be a street music festival today. Excellent, so out I went today to check it out. I turns out to be a fund raiser for handicapped and disabled people... and wow, it was a HUGE event. With over 7~8 stages with performances running through the whole day MCs for every stage and a crap load of booths (think sort of Richmond Night Market, which should be starting up now). Props for these people for organization.
I milled about the event for a while looking for something to catch my ear... and after an hour of walking around to different stages I run into something out of the blue that was really cool. A 3 piece band comprised with an electric guitar, a funky percussion *box* and a Japanese "Shyamisen" (Japanese traditional 3 string guitar) playing some funky fusion of blues and traditional music. They're called the the "Crocodiles" (play on words but it's actually 'black child dial') Totally blew my mind. They had 2 concerts that day, the first I caught by chance at noon because one of the musical groups couldn't make it and they stood in and really liked their music. Their real scheduled performance was set fot 3:40 so I attended that one after doing some shopping down town at the Japanese dollar store (yay dollar store).
Girl to left playing a box that sounds like a snare drum, base drum and cymbal all in one! Very interesting instrument. The guy in the center is playing the 3 stringed Japanese guitar.
The guy to the right is playing the electric guitar. Excellent player.
At the end of performance they announced that they're going to be releasing a CD later this or next month. No definate dates set yet but these guys are on my radar. Their webpage here. Samples of their music are at the bottom. Recorded versions are a pale comparison to a live performance.
Which also reminds me, the Vancouver folk music festival should be happening next month. To those of you that've never gone, I suggest checking it out. I had a blast, fun people, good music and good times.
"They're called the the "Crocodiles" (play on words but it's actually 'black child dial')"
I don't get it :(
It's a Japanese thing.
Croco --> actually spelt as Kuro (black) Ko (child) "daiaru" (sounds like dial).
There isn't a joke, they just decided to do something funky with their name (like all other musical groups out there :P)
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