Friday, July 03, 2015

Not sure what is going on in the market

Something interesting is going on with the markets right now and it's throwing off stock prices dependent on the following inputs:
  • Revenue
  • Operating Expenses
  • Total Assets
  • Total Liabilities
I've gone through all sectors and did a linear regression by sector to determine the coefficients to be applied to each sector and got the following results:

Sector Revenue Coeff Operating Exp Coeff Assets Coeff Liabilities Coeff
n/a 1.757951413 -1.685802435 1.058985395 -0.940065628
Consumer Durables -0.316979969 6.198310777 1.4757337 -1.411166774
Transportation 0.497272033 0.259618616 2.065928424 -2.076496214
Finance 0.87978465 -0.949490282 1.184012636 -1.179976195
Public Utilities 0.016493317 -0.665229136 0.835269278 -0.289090479
Energy 0.065892306 -0.669861102 1.582121055 -1.317696686
Miscellaneous -0.750867391 8.027392438 2.88486087 -2.435433498
Consumer Non-Durables -0.038891497 3.787788767 0.218961592 0.294737121
Health Care 0.128296602 -0.299308471 4.758685759 -4.904842854
Consumer Services 0.871313342 1.681460089 0.910108808 -0.729311004
Basic Industries 0.495887515 2.285893733 1.239013616 -0.80046736
Capital Goods 0.498509342 5.692384963 0.648907514 -0.513628997
Technology -0.528505482 6.342940229 2.070839539 -2.050838295
As expected we see the following obvious impacts:
  • Assets impact stock prices positively
  • Liabilities impact stock prices negatively
  • Revenue, generally impacts stock price positively
  • The operating expense coeff is erratic
As of this moment I've focused on companies that have a capitalisation of over $5B using closing closing stock data from 2015-07-01 from the US markets.

I'll next need to run calculations based on more historical data to see how these numbers have evolved over different times during the market. Computations done earlier this year have yielded more consistent results with the revenue coeffs and the operating expense coeffs showing consistently negative values.

I have a feeling that current market situation are throwing off the linear regression algorithm.