customers = site visitors * conversion rate
and what people in the internet business industry want to do is increase the number of visitors and conversion rate to make a business profitable. The problem itself is very fascinating as it requires a lot of data mining and profiling to determine where your customers are, drive them to your site and convert them into paying customers.
Consider that Amazon it self had
22 billion dollars in revenue for the year ending in 2009, that the whole total of online sales for 2009 is much bigger then that. Meaning that the business for improving online sales is big money.For those of you have been on the internet since 2000, some of you might have noticed invisible text hidden away at the bottom of a site or in the html of others. The idea of optimizing one's site to rank higher in the index of internet search engines is an old idea. Google had an interesting take of the practice by both rating the number of external links leading into the site in addition to the content of the site it self when determining the ranking of a site thus improving the quality of sites they returned from their searches. I believe with the rise of social networks and social based information exchange sites, that the nature of search will change in the coming years.
I started thinking of first seed of this idea in a former post in June entitled Friends as Filters, where friends based on their interests will filter and pass along useful information within a circle of friends. With the rise of ease of sharing information through social networks, we find that social networks are having a significant impact on how information is passed along. We now have a new class of "viral" videos or webpages that become massively popular by dissemination through social networks instead of being ranked at the top of a search engine.
I find that Facebook is an interesting avenue for sharing information with friends, whether it be through the sharing of things they do or the interesting links they post. I do admit that I need to organize my contact list and start filtering people for interesting content for to improve the quality of information passed to me. But the basic concept is there, which is similar to social linking sites such as Reddit, (the now waining) Digg and more. Unfortunately as the number of users grow at these social sites, degradation in the quality of posting does occur, resulting in meme posts that are popularly voted up as a result to an appeal to the greatest unified demographic; in these cases, it need not be the majority controlling the "main page," assuming the demographics of a site is sufficiently fragmented enough to allow a minority group to have the most control over the popularity of the links posted. It would be akin to allowing a minority governmental party wielding majority like power inside a parliamentary house.
With this problem at hand, online communities have started reorganizing to support sub-communities where relevant information to sub-groups are passed along or posted only in that sub-group. What we are starting to find now is that things are a little different compared to the times of say Usnet when posted information was publicly available compared to the wall-gardened sites such as Facebook. What many spammers used to do was mine Usnet posts for e-mail address and spam everyone with advertisements. With the advent of more modern social networking sites, stronger linking of information is now possible however that information is not publicly available unless you are an app developer or the administrator of these sites themselves. What people are finding is the information in these sites is valuable when mined and summarized correctly. I think this will lead to a change from SEO related work to Social Network Optimization work in the future.
I think this field is still in it's infancy and to get information worth mining you are either going to get access to data in established social networks or create a killer application to create a network of your own, but I think there is good money to be made jumping into the social networking site for business intelligence applications.
Edit: Some typos and had 22 trillion instead of billion. I have a terrible habit with skimming material too quickly it seems.